Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Clam Diggin!!

Not too long ago Jess and I spent the most beautiful Evening on the beach digging up some dinner! We went with our good friends Mark and Tif, as well as Don, Karlie and Lisa. The weather was amazing! It was our first night dig too, it was so much fun. We all got our limit, then we headed home and cleaned clams until the wee hours. Here is the photographic evidence of our amazingly fun time :)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Mommy for a weekend

Well, my first trial into motherhood happened this weekend, wooh boy! It's a lot of work! My 2 favorite kiddo's in the whole world get to spend the weekend with me, Mr. Aaron and Miss Delaney. I didn't realize how much little babies ate and pee'd, good grief! Currently they are both down for a nap and I am quickly realizing that nap time may be my favorite part of mommy hood (whenever that may be). These kids really are great. Hardly any problems at all, and luckily for me, I love animated movies so Aaron and I are having a great time together. Delaney is just so adorable you can never be upset with her, even when she is screaming her little lungs out :) I am learning quickly that while it is a ton of work, its totally doable. I have a couple more chores to finish before the young ones awake, off to work!!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Happy February!

February has been great!! The weather has been cold and snow has been on the ground :) Max is growing up fast! He is getting so big, and somehow he is getting more energy...I am not sure how that is possible, but it's happening!!
The snow has been absolutely beautiful, and it has stuck around for awhile! I love it! It reminds me of home so it makes me happy :) Here are a few pictures of our winter wonderland and our little boy running around and lapping it up :)

We got to go clam digging in some of the most beautiful weather I have ever seen on the coast! We went to moclips beach with our good friends Don, Mark, Tif, Karlie and Lisa. It was a blast! It was our first night dig and it was so cool to be on the beach in the dark with the stars out. It was just alot of fun! Mark and Tif had never been clam digging before so we got to show them the ropes. They did great too! Everyone got their limit. 
 We got to the beach right before sunset, it was so pretty! I spent most of my time before the sun went down just taking pictures!

 Karlie, Me and Lisa!!
Me and my niece Lisa

 These girls are expert clam diggers!!
 Would you look at those colors!
 My handsome provider digging me up some dinner :) 

 Jess with his hand in the sand
 mmmm dinner!!

 Aren't we cute!
Don taking our final tally for the night, we did great!
 One more of the beautiful sunset
Lisa was a little too anxious to eat the clams....

Friday, January 28, 2011

A New Year!!

Well here we are, a new year a new blog!! Truth is, I have forgotten the old account info for the blog and it was a pain to keep up with anyway sooo....a new one it is!!! 2011 is already here and its already a month into it, crazy! Jess and I are working away. We don't have a whole lot of new news to share. We are canceling our cable, just to see if we can do it. I am kinda excited for it. I think Jess might have an aneurysm for the lack of sports and ESPN sportscenter. Max is almost full grown, he is a big boy!!!

 Jess absolutely loves this dog, and I can't blame him, he is a pretty adorable pup! He's smart too! Jess will have him fully trained and ready to go for duck hunting season next year.

This year started off with a whirl wind trip to Modesto, CA for us. New Years eve at 9 pm we hopped in the car and the next morning at 11:00 AM we were in Modesto. Jess found the "dream motor" for his duck boat on craigslist so we had to go get it! We spent maybe an hour in Modesto, got back in the car and headed north again and around 11:00 pm we were back in Olympia. Talk about your hurricane trip!! It was pure insanity!! But you might as well do it while your young right??
 I had to get a picture of something with "Modesto" on it for proof that we were actually there!

Somewhere before Sacramento we stopped at Sonic on the way home. 
This snow was in Northern California! It felt weird to me to have snow in California....maybe its pretty standard I don't know.

 We did get to see some beautiful scenery along the way.

January hasn't had too many surprises for us, we will have to see what February brings! My baby brother turns 22 in February and that is a little traumatizing for me. That means that in 9 months I am going to turn 27! I am not supposed to be that old! I don't feel any older than 19! 
Here's to a happy February!!